Signatura Rerum

Signatura Rerum

Musique contemporaine pour orgue à tuyaux, enregistrée sur le superbe instrument Casavant du Palais Montcalm, Québec.

J’ai composé pour le Disklavier —un piano automatisable— depuis près de deux décennies, mais je n’ai découvert que récemment que je pouvais utiliser la même approche avec plusieurs orgues à tuyaux. Au début de mes explorations, j’étais surtout intéressé à faire apparaître l’aspect humain de l’interprétation en le contrastant avec l’automatisation, mais avec les années j’en suis venu à apprécier autant l’imprécision humaine que la précision informatique. Ou n’est-ce pas plutôt l’inverse ?

Les deux aspects sont donc présents dans ces nouvelles compositions enregistrées en juin 2018 au Palais Montcalm, à Québec.


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Signatura Rerum

Contemporary music for pipe organ, recorded on the wonderful Casavant instrument at Palais Montcalm, Quebec.

I have been writing music for the Disklavier —an automated piano— for about two decades, but I discovered only recently that I could play many pipe organs in the same way. At first i was very interested in bringing to the ears the human aspect of the performance through the contrasting use of computer automation, but with the years I came to enjoy both the human feel and the mechanical precision. Or isn’t it the opposite ?

These pieces blend both aspects in new compositions that have been recorded June 2018 at the Palais Montcalm, in Quebec City.


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A few years ago (hence the gap perhaps?) he discovered  “the new Casavant instrument of the Palais Montcalm in Quebec” and started to play with it in conjunction with computer automation, slowly blending the human touch and the mechanical precision together. That last bit I read on the
information, as I didn’t hear that sort of computer automation in these pieces. It all sounded like a pipe organ being played and nothing much else. But then so I was wrong I guess and it made me wonder what that computer did. There are eight pieces on this CD and it’s all quite normal pieces of pipe organ on the surface but if you listen closely odd little things can be noted, strange intervals, odd repetitions and such like, along with some wonderful melodic pieces, such as ‘Rose Et Jaune Et Vert’.

Vital Weekly 1153

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